Tuesday 8 July 2014

How to Use Piano Games to Teach Your Kids Music

As with everything else, the internet has started affecting the way we teach music to our children. While grownups have a whole range of piano learning material available to them online, there is very little work done when it comes to teaching little children piano. Websites such as pianogames.org have made the effort and have made small flash games intended for the very young that teach the basics of not only piano but also music theory. Here are the details. 

The games

The games are simple in construction and do not require any prior knowledge of computers or pianos to play. Most of them simply feature a piano with the keys labelled and where one can simple play up simple tunes or learn scales and stuff. Of course, as with a real piano, the game is only as useful as it is made use of, so you need (your kids need) proper guidance from you in order to learn to play them properly. 

Different features of the games

Some of the games teach you how to play scales on the piano, while others teach you the names of various notes. There are games that allow you to record the music you play on the available online piano so as to listen to it later and judge how well you did. Some very useful games teach you how to play piano like a virtuoso by making you repeat melodies that the game plays on an available piano. Some relatively difficult apps play a song and have a frequency polygon going up and down rhythmically with it, and the only thing you have to do is to move your mouse up and down and follow the song based on notes. This would teach people to read music easily when learning on a real piano.

Last but not the least, there are also funny games like how to avoid a falling piano. And while this might seem altogether irrelevant to teaching piano to kids, it is in fact not so. Avoiding a falling object with your hands teaches you to move your hands freely in response to an external stimulus which favours hand-eye coordination in the same way reading sheet music and sight playing it does.

There are several ways in which online games at pianogames.org help your children to understand music better.

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